front end specialties: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
Bootstrap, Sass, Bourbon, jQuery
jQuery Plugins, APIs, responsive design
server-side frameworks: Express and Node.js
understanding of CRUD, application architecture, and
basics of SPA and its complications
React & React Router
some PHP
design patterns and User Interface experience
databases: MongoDB, Firebase
coding tools: Atom, Sublime Text
operating system: Mac OS X
version control: GIT via command line
AAA 508 accessibility testing expert
Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, SEO, Google Analytics
video editing, photography, photo retouching, proofreading
Proficient in Drupal, Wordpress, Wagtail, Squarespace
cPanel and other server hosts
React App with Firebase
React Drag and Drop with React Beautiful Dnd
React/Looker Extension Framework
Object-Oriented JS
Simple API
Combine APIs
Object with PHP
Class Constructor
Express with EJS Templating
ECLS landing page
ECLS Parent Portal
ECLS Teacher Portal
G&S checklist site
EEOC company status
Marcom landing page
FDA matrix
Custom radio button survey
EEOC Establishment List
ECLS data collection
TRS Knowledge